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Portrait therapy
and Original personal analysis

Portrait therapyis my perception of the world through

self-knowledge, deep work on oneself, 

numerology, personality typology, astrology and working behind the camera. 

Combining the activities of a coach and a photographer seems great to me precisely because it works in both cases

for complete trust, relaxation and opening up.

It's amazing to watch the personality changes

from the first moment when we start working together and gradually perceive changes in the expression on the face.

Of course, you can also work externally, which makes cooperation more interesting and visible. There are wonderful people available for this, to whom I will be happy to connect you.

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul... The result is really worth it.

Original personal analysis, can be included or can be ordered separately. It is also suitable as an unusual gift.


It is beautiful to inspire and be inspired...


Photos of a specific person are not here...

It is a private, sensitive, very intimate matter of everyone who has gone through it ... and that is "sacred" to me.

I'll leave it to your imagination. Imagine the sparkle in the eyes when a person is happy, what they radiate and are satisfied with themselves.

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